Romania’s Fragile Successes and the Rise of the Far Right
Romania’s rapid economic development since joining the EU has been overshadowed by rising inequality, institutional neglect, and political discontent, fueling the far right’s dramatic ascent. In the 2024 elections, nationalist rhetoric, a frustrated diaspora, and geopolitical tensions propelled the AUR’s Călin Georgescu to near-victory, exposing the fragility of Romania’s democratic and institutional framework.

„Happy Indifferendum!“ Kein Verfassungsverbot der gleichgeschlechtlichen Ehe in Rumänien
Völlig unerwartet scheiterte letztes Wochenende in Rumänien eine Volksabstimmung zum verfassungsrechtlichen Verbot der gleichgeschlechtlichen Ehe – aufgrund mangelnder Beteiligung. Michael Hein diskutiert den überraschenden Ausgang des Referendums und gibt Einblicke in die teils schmutzig geführten Kampagnen.

The Romanian Parliamentary Vote: From Protest to Protest
A year after a series of protests ended with the ousting of the Social Democratic Party-led government, the party reemerges as the dominant political force in Romania. Titus Udrea analyses the latest Romanian election and its ensuing developments that have led Romania on the brink of political crisis.

The Local Elections in Romania – Business as Usual?
In regard to the latest developments in Romania, the country has experienced visible protest movements since 2013. At the beginning of July 2016, local elections were held. Tina Olteanu argues that those elections are not only a test for the upcoming parliamentary elections at the end of this year. They are also an indicator where voters in general and the protest movement(s) in Romania are heading.

“The days we don’t give in.” The Romanian social movements between 2012 and 2015
From January 2012 until December 2015, Romania faced the most important social movements since the fall of the communist regime. This article represents an overview of the main street protests which marked the rise of a consistent and powerful civil society.