Dr. Monika Rogowska-Stangret is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Warsaw. She is the author of “Ciało – poza Innością i Tożsamością. Trzy figury ciała w filozofii współczesnej” [“The Body – Beyond Otherness and Sameness. Three Figures of the Body in Contemporary Philosophy”], 2016 and “Of Other Spaces, of Other Times – Towards New Materialist Politics of Squatting”, in: Avant, Volume VI, 1/2015, pp. 65-80.

The Misuses of Life. On Recent Abortion-Related Protests in Poland
When the Polish parliament accepted to vote on the law introducing further restrictions on the existing abortion regulations, women (and men) dressed black, took their umbrellas and joined the protests in early October this year. Monika Rogowska-Stangret analyses the protests and raises the question of how far have the protests been successful.