The ‘Sovereignty Protection Office’: Hungary’s Guard Against Journalistic and Civic Scrutiny
Hungary’s Sovereignty Protection Office, established in 2023, empowers the government to target NGOs, independent journalists, and critical voices under the vague guise of “protecting national sovereignty.” With sweeping authority, the Office uses investigations to fuel smear campaigns, intensifying pressure on civil society and restricting dissent.

Labor protest and education in an illiberal regime
Imre G. Szabó is writing on current protests of Hungarian teachers and students and the education system under Orbán’s regime.

Who Pays for Your Sex Life?
In 2016, Hungarian state agencies supported a controversial “sugar daddy”-webpage with a 14 million Euros grant. Andrea Petö, Professor at the Central European University in Budapest, on the current situation in Hungary, structural inequities and global discussions on state-financed sex work.

Orbán’s Victory or the Endgame of His Regime?
Hungary held a referendum about the country’s stance towards the refugee crisis and “Brussels”. The outcome turned out to be invalid, but Prime Minister Viktor Orbán declared a victory. The government’s campaign was aggressive and full with negative stereotypes and hatred against migrants. The illiberal Hungarian political regime needs enemies: the relative failure of the referendum might push the top leader to blame and stigmatise new target groups and individuals.